Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I am.....Senses

I smell
sweaty boys that i've learned to love.
I smell downtown corners that i know can't be good for me.
I smell massive amounts of smoke on a daily basis.

I smell my bestfriends house. Its the smell of
rotting clothes, cinammon lotion and the cleanest,
softest, most comforting carpet you will ever lie your
head upon.

I smell wilderness quite rarely. But when i do smell it
I sink myself into it until I am at a loss of any thought
that isn't a song.

I smell camping and I am suddenly overwhelmed with a
feeling of happiness. It's the campfire, singed on all of our clothing
and the crappy coffee we tried to make.

Ithink if you were to smell me I would smell like a mixture of this sweet world.
But if you were to try to smell me specifically I'd be a bland combo of grass, hugs and dirty hippies.


Mikkeh said...

The sensory language in this piece is nice. I like this a lot.

Renee said...

I also love the repetition...and the speaker's tone!
